Sleep Apnea Side Effects

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a sleep disorder that occurs when the intake of oxygen is reduced or closed off. OSA interruptions during the sleep cycle can occur from a few times to as many as several hundred times and they can last from a few seconds to a minute or more.

An airway blockage can create new health issues or increase already known health problems. There are a variety of sleep apnea risks and potential sleep apnea side effects that individuals can learn to recognize. Anyone who suspects that they may have OSA should talk with their physician about sleep apnea testing.


If left untreated, a person with OSA may experience one or more of these serious sleep apnea side effects:

  • Problems with diabetes control
  • Dry mouth or sore throat
  • Inability to concentrate while driving, working, or performing daily activities
  • Acid Reflux issues


A good night’s sleep is necessary for psychological abilities and for restoring the body’s physical abilities. Continuous sleep cycle interruptions increase the chance of developing sleep apnea side effects that may include:

  • Heart situations such as a heart attack, a stroke, and high blood pressure
  • High cholesterol levels due to hypothyroidism
  • Lung conditions such as pulmonary hypertension
  • Mental problems such as insomnia, mood swings, headaches, and slow thought processing
  • Fatal disabilities or even death can occur due to reduced or blocked intake of oxygen

To avoid the side effects of obstructive sleep apnea, contact our office today! Dr. Perkins, sleep apnea specialists in Vancouver WA, can provide treatment methods that will help you get a better sleep.